Fida most recently worked as a television host for the nationally syndicated show, “Moms Everyday.” Fida hosted the local show for WBKO13 TV (an ABC affiliate in Bowling Green, KY) which featured businesses, services and organizations that benefit mothers in the community. She participated in a national segment that was syndicated to over 20 Grey Television news stations. She also hosted “Moms Minutes” – a short-format program that aired locally and nationally in English and Spanish.
Fida enjoys bringing awareness to several nonprofit organizations. Fida became a family ambassador for the Kentucky March of Dimes and served on their state and local boards for over 10 years. During the same period, she served two terms on the Child Advocacy Board in Bowling Green, KY. She enjoys being involved directly with her community and wishes to use her TV background as a platform to bring awareness to the causes that she is passionate about.
Fida began her career in broadcast journalism with an internship at NBC6-WTVJ in Miami.
After her internship, she was involved in the NBC/Telemundo merger and went on to work for NewsProNet, a news syndication company where she produced stories that aired nationally in English and Spanish.
Speaking of languages, Fida has quite a knack for them. She is fluent in five: English, Spanish, French, Arabic, and Haitian Creole. Her multi-fluency helped her to land work as the healthy living reporter for Amigos Hispanos – a local Hispanic television company.
Fida, her husband and three children called South Central Kentucky home for more than a decade. During that time, she enjoyed working for the local ABC affiliate, WBKO, where she reported and anchored the evening news.
News Reel Montage
News Stories
In 2019 Fida participated in a national voice over in Haitian Creole for the U.S. Census Bureau. She is hoping to use her television experience to continue to be a positive and productive part of her community. She has performed voiceover work in English, Spanish, Haitian Creole, and Portuguese.
2020 Haitian Creole Radio Commercial
Fida was born and raised in Haiti of Syrian decent and moved to the United States during her last two years of High School. She proudly became a naturalized U.S. citizen and attended Barry University in Miami where she earned B.S. degrees in International Relations and Political Science and a Minor in Television Broadcasting.
She worked as an intern at NBC/Telemundo and as a Producer for NewsProNet in Miami. She later moved to Bowling Green, KY where she worked as a Reporter and Anchor for an ABC affiliate. Following the birth of her twin boys, Fida shifted her focus to a new title, “Mom,” while continuing to freelance in PSAs, commercials, internal corporate videos and short films. She has more than 20 years of on-air experience.
In 2017, Fida returned to South Florida and is enjoying reconnecting with her family and community. Fida is hoping to use her broadcasting experience to continue to be a positive and productive part of her community.
Fida is currently being represented by Level Talent Group.